Sovereignty is not a goal, but a process. It is a way of being, a way of living with integrity of awareness, presence, and compassion, cultivating our coherent field from the depths of our being. This course is focused on sharing wisdom teachings of our sovereign nature, gathered  from the  seen and unseen teachers to  serve as a practical guidebook to support you in realizing your true nature. 

This course is laid out according to the seasons and the qi nodes within them, to specifically reflect the natural cyclical process of life that is within you, as you are part of this evolving living universe.  Within each season, each qi node, there is a lesson, a wisdom, a medicine, a gift. When you do not receive them, you may have to repeat the lessons inherent in order to open the gift within for your life.It is through the seasons of our lives that we continue to naturally cultivate our powers, our gifts, our wisdom, and virtues. We not only know we have value, we experience and embody the value of who we are and are becoming. Life is messy. It is a slippery slope and crazy making, and the times illness is insanity. We need guidance, support, and community to navigate through these major changing times within and in our world.

Life is Not Happening to you, it is Happening For You.

We can either devolve or evolve. We can cultivate our sovereignty or default to conformity the distortions of our mind and emotions… this depends on three things: love, presence and power in every aspect of our life depends the quality of our lives. How we cultivate these pivotal aspects of sovereignty three depends on our and how we view and orientation (who, what, where, and when of you), where are you coming from? What are your intentions? What is your dedicated action and cultivation of becoming?

The Course has 3 running themes we explore and embody the “How of sovereignty”: The first part is focused on redefining and exploring what is our sovereign nature through Master Teachers of wisdom traditions.  The second part is rediscovering our stance as a sovereign being with view and orientation and tools of awarenesses.  The third part is the nitty gritty of its embodiment through the seasons and cycles. Understanding the inner and outer patterns and rhythms of the seasons that our community will come together and explore. We align with the energies that can naturally support us to heal and transform our lives as well as cultivate our inner gifts, which is part of our evolution as a sovereign being. We explore our sacred geometry, our nature design principles and how to actually use them in a natural way. 

Aspect 1: Theme: Foundational Teachings on Sovereign Nature and Being

This section explores the who of our being, our true nature as a sovereign being. We uncover the remembrance of who we are from our inception to our potential. Within the seed of our being, like all seeds, as a fractal of source, connected to all, it has the template and blueprint of its potential. Our individual being is designed to realize its potential of sovereign nature, naturally. 

Aspect 2: Where: Awareness of our View and Orientation

This section explores the where of our being. Where do we come from? Here we lay out key aspects of view and orientation. We bring awareness to what creates and influences our view and orientation so that we can see how we are influenced and can choose more consciously our stance. Our view and orientation is key, for it sets our perspective, our identity(s) or lack thereof, and our direction, our intentions, our attention, our imagination. Our view and orientation directs our faculties, our bodies in how to be and live inside of our lives. The view and orientation is the master command room. Everything then follows naturally with intention.

Aspect 3: When and How: Aligning Our Inner and Outer Cycles and Seasonal Cycles 

This section guides the process to support in aligning your inner and outer nature to realize your sovereign as an individual and together, as a part of this living universe. This section invites you to the how and when of your being. Here you will find support for the Who of you—your essence self, sovereign nature —and the where of you—your view and orientation–in your life in real time. We are evolutionary beings, and by aligning to the inherent natural design principles and cosmic laws of life that are pristine, and recalibrating and maintaining alignment with the cycles of the seasons, this will support you through the year to pivot into your sovereign nature naturally. The goal of this section is to strengthen your  awareness, wisdom, union, through conduct and play, creating conscious experience.  

Perspectives, cultivations, and lessons according to the seasons will be explored in detail, through seasonal lifestyle recommendations, food as medicine, practices and reflections. Refer to each seasonal section throughout the year to support you in building your awareness, wisdom, and connection to the energies of the inner and outer seasons and cycles of life. Gradually, you’ll begin to see the parallels of its living expressions through the lessons and gifts that you are also moving through. As you attune to the seasons and cycles, you can return to the book to reconnect with the medicine, lessons, wisdoms, and virtues of each season that support your cultivation of your inherent design: the Sovereign being.

 Within each section of the seasons, we explore three aspects of our being (essence, energy, and body) in relation to the seasons. Each section offers:  

  • Seasonal Correspondences 

  • Seasonal Wisdom Teachings

  • Awareness practices according to the 5 Element System

  • Seasonal  Self Care 

  • Seasonal Foods as Medicine

  • Seasonal Cultivation practices in Energy Skill, Spirit, Skill, and Physical skill in staying healthy through the seasons as a whole being. These Seasonal practices and exercises are based on medical qi gong and traditional healing modalities.

  • Seasonal Reflections

Discover a natural, direct path to:

• Reclaim your vital life force energy

• Access deep inner wisdom

• Transform fears into strength

• Release what no longer serves you

• Live with authentic freedom and joy

Becoming Sovereign


• Bimonthly guided sessions with clear, accessible instruction to navigate each Qi node.

• Direct, natural methods. Practical tools and practices for daily live and cultivaitng our sovereign nature based ancient wisdom, practical life hacks, and downloads from the Master Teachers.

• Seasonal wisdom teachings.

• Community support that is amazing!

  • Rcordings of the sessions

Begins January 31st

A Year-Long Journey Through the Seasons to Reclaim Your True Nature

Who are you becoming? Sovereignty is the mastery of one’s life within the All of life. True to its original meaning, sovereignty is not authority over another; what we can have true authority over is none other than ourselves. We remember and reclaim our nature as a sovereign being.

Sovereignty is a process not a goal. We navigate through the Qi Nodes of the year, the seasonal cycles to remember, cultivate, and embody our sovereign nature.

In these fast-changing times, information overwhelm has caused confusion, delusion, and distraction. Join us, together let’s cultivate wisdom teachings and practices, old and new. Apply practical tools to nourish ourselves at the soul level and ride the waves of change in our daily lives. Let’s cultivate our sovereign nature, naturally, right here, right now.


Learn About:

The 5 elements system and personal body constitution. Design your own personal medicine with the practices and diet and lifestyle

  • Qi Nodes, the energetic patterns and sacred designs of nature’s laws and cycles and learn how to navigate through it

  • Emotional Transformation Work

  • Sacred Geometry of our Biology, the Energy Anatomy

  • Practical practices to find stability, fluidity, and tools to navigate through the craziness of life

  • Esoteric practices that are direct and clear in accessing your own guidance

  • Cultivate your inner guidance and intuitive abilities

  • Practical exercises, qigong, taiji, and movement that supports you 

  • Seasonal qigong protocols and practices to support your spirit, energy, and physical health in every season

  • Seasonal foods and exercises to access the wisdom and power of each season

  • Cultivate your own innate gifts

  • Explore and cultivate a dreaming practice: lucid and clear light dreams

  • Healing modalities to support self-healing and the healing of others

  • Reiki Attunements through the year

  • Energetic and Psychic Protection Practices

  • Clearing and healing protocols: healing at the soul, energetic, and physical levels

  • Clearing stuck drama and woundings

  • Completing old cycles of old habitual patterns, and creating new paradigms within

  • Transgenerational Healing, Ancestral Healing

"Remember who you are as a sovereign being."

Reciprocity: $50/month.

Schedule Circle Meetups via Zoom

Fridays 2x monthly, (10AM-11:30AM pdt)

Spring Season, Air/Wood: Creativity January 31st February 14th March 7th March 21st April 4th April 18th

Summer Season, Fire: Maturity May 2nd May 23rd June 6th June 20th July 4th July 25th

Autumn Season, Metal/Space: Integrity August 8th August 22nd September 5th September 19th October 3rd October 17th

Winter Season, Water: Nobility November 7th November 21st December 5th December 19th January 9th January 23rd

The Work of Transformation

This work is designed to support you to awaken into your sovereign nature in a natural, direct, and practical way. The path is direct and invites simplicity; however it is not simplistic, and not so easy at times. Sovereign is a way of being, and attuning to the seasons and its changing cycles, which mirror and parallel our own personal cycles. It is bound to bring up lessons and challenges for our evolution and cultivation at all levels of our being.  

Our stance here is that obstacles are not necessarily a stopping point, but stepping stones we carefully navigate.   How many of these obstacles our mind creates that we may cultivate?  It is  part of the testing ground of our evolution and cultivation into maturity.  An obstacle does not have to be a problem, but an opportunity to grow.  It is through obstacles that we also cultivate our strengths, our wisdom, our conviction, our resilience, seeing past our limitations and realizing our capacity.  Within the cocoon of life, the butterfly metamorphoses, the human realizes. This work invites you to go beyond your comfort zone and familiarity and into direct participation and reflection . It is moving past the mundane view and comfort that you begin to see clearly and directly, where you may begin to feel into your depths and the mystery of your being, and discover something fresh and new.   see past old selves and limitations, composting the old into new fresh energy to serve the levels of your being and becoming. This book invites you to come out from your hiding, come down from the surface, and unmask yourself to reveal yourself to yourself.